Thursday, June 19, 2008

Deal Dot Com – Another $$ Making Website

Just a sharing to all readers, I just found out another make money online website – Deal Dot Com. We can simply make money just by telling your friends about this great deals. Just share the link that provided by Deal Dot Com to all your friends. Lead them to sign up for a FREE Deal Dot Com account, and anything that they buy will nets you a 35% commission. Yes, there are other affiliate programs that having same functionality as Deal Dot Com, such as AuctionAds. Yet, the drawback of AuctionAds is that they place a time limitation for your commission like 5% for 6months. Sure you are wondering then how about Deal Dot Com? Don’t worry, as the Deal Dot Com commission is served forever. It’s does not matter when they buy something, either today, next week, next month or thirty years from now, you will also entitled to get paid. But, the most excited is that Deal Dot Com is offers a two-tiered affiliate program. Now we are not only will get paid for our friends purchases, yet we will also enable to make money for the purchases that THEIR FRIENDS make. Any purchases of your second tier will nets you a 15% commission. Lastly, you will get paid when you have reached the minimum earning at $20. By the way, you can choose the payment method either by paypal or check by snail mail.

So what are you waiting for! Click on the link below link and start make money online with your website/blog.
Join Deal Dot Com today!

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